KnM Inc.

A place for random words.

Clean up?

Maybe time to turf parts of the site – such as the transit link page. Due to rotting some of the links there are now history and some links might go questionable sites that took over the domains.

Been testing a mboard behind the scenes. Some on the amateur radio club I’m in would like something to post on that’s not on Discord or Fakebook. Would be mostly radio topics, although some have interests in building robots, radio t-hunt events and non tech stuff like crafting and tattoos.

I think I like this theme…

Best one so far and it’s compatible with the “borrowed” logo. In other news I thought of setting up a mboard using either phoBB or Xenforo, but not sure since mboards have been falling by the way side. Seems most peeps go to social media since they can do it on the mobile that’s glued to their face. I did do a test board either here or the sister site TN Talk, but all it got was spammers that got around the spam protection measures. Well – back to the drawing board.

And another theme.

Just because I felt like it! It does go with the classic logo on top, which was made by the original owners of the domain. Even the building in the pic below the menu blends with it.

Also I thought of putting a mboard back on this site, but I think all the data-scraping social media crap pretty much took care of most forums. When I got the KnM Inc domain, it was for a mboard originally called Kim’s new Message board which ran on vBulletin 3.0 way back when. Then I I bought back my older board called TN Talk, merged ’em and after some drama took ’em off line. If I did restore a forum here, it would use the original name – Kim’s new Message board.

Until next time…..